MPF * buddy provides MPF fund performance for the Hong Kong general public. MPF funds are ranked based on their historical returns, risk, the rate of inflation and the Hong Kong stock market performance. The ranking are based on the formal financial KPIs, such as the Return, Risk, Sharpe ratio and alpha
The professional fund performance indicators include:
1. Return
2. Risk
3. The Sharpe ratio
4. Jenson Alpha
*** MPF * Buddy : 3-year Indexes ***
Most financial Key Performance Indicators (PKIs) are too technical and complicated for the general public. Further, the monthly contribution of MPF characteristics makes benchmarking tricky. The financial KPI, Return, can not accurately reflect MPF funds’ real holding period return. As a result, MPF*Buddy indexes which is solely based on users’ investment objective is introduced. As a result, users can choose the suitable MPF funds for themselves. The “Current Value index” shows the actual value of the invested MPF fund after 3-year contribution for fund comparison.
New MPF * Buddy (Top 10 MPF Funds)
1. Capital preservation index: the ability not to lose money
2. Hedge against inflation index: the ability to beat inflation
3. Value-added index: the ability to grow in value (include 3-year current dollar value)
4. Fund Expense Ratio : Fund expenses ratio
*** Fund risk and portfolio risk ***
Investment without risk management is like driving a super racing car without braking system. In MPF*Buddy, not only each MPF fund is appraised and ranked with its risk, the risk level of the portfolio is also calculated based on funds’ risk correlation for risk control. With careful planing, users may construct an optimized MPF portfolio for their retirement. (please consult investment consultant before use).
*** This version includes three months of data services ***
This application is suitable for the general public use. Should users need professional-grade investment applications, please refer to our company’s QPO mobile tablet application series (MPF *Portfolio expert).